Top Phill-Cervical Immobilizer

KSh 2,467.00


The Top Phill-Cervical Immobilizer is a medical device designed to provide support and immobilization to the cervical spine, specifically the top portion known as the phill area.

It is commonly used in emergency situations, such as car accidents or sports injuries, where there is a risk of cervical spine injury.

The immobilizer is made of high-quality materials that ensure comfort and stability for the patient while also providing necessary support.

The Top Phill-Cervical Immobilizer is designed with the latest advancements in medical technology to ensure optimal patient care.

It consists of a rigid frame that encloses the phill area of the cervical spine, providing stability and preventing any further damage.

The frame is adjustable, allowing healthcare professionals to customize the fit according to the patient’s specific needs.

The immobilizer is equipped with soft padding and straps that secure it in place, ensuring that the cervical spine remains immobilized throughout the healing process.

The padding is made of hypoallergenic materials to minimize the risk of skin irritation or allergies. Additionally, the straps are adjustable to accommodate patients of different sizes.

Key features of the Top Phill-Cervical Immobilizer include:

  • Rigid frame: Provides stability and immobilization to the phill area of the cervical spine.
  •  Adjustable fit: Allows healthcare professionals to customize the immobilizer according to the patient’s specific needs.
  • Soft padding: Ensures comfort and minimizes the risk of skin irritation.
  • Secure straps: Keeps the immobilizer in place and prevents any movement or shifting.
  • Hypoallergenic materials: Reduces the risk of allergies or skin irritation.

The Top Phill-Cervical Immobilizer is a reliable and effective medical device that plays a crucial role in the initial management of cervical spine injuries. Its design and features prioritize patient comfort and safety, allowing healthcare professionals to provide optimal care in emergency situations.


X-Ray lucent, Anterior tracheal opening.


Severe cervical sprains, complete immobilization


Top Phill-Cervical Immobilizer: Ensuring Optimal Neck Support and Immobilization

The Top Phill-Cervical Immobilizer is a state-of-the-art medical device designed to provide effective support and immobilization for individuals with neck injuries or conditions. This innovative immobilizer is engineered to offer maximum comfort, stability, and ease of use, ensuring optimal patient care and recovery.

Key Features of the Top Phill-Cervical Immobilizer

1. Adjustable Design: The Top Phill-Cervical Immobilizer features an adjustable design that allows healthcare professionals to customize the fit according to the patient’s neck size and condition. This feature ensures a secure and comfortable fit, minimizing discomfort and enhancing immobilization.

2. Lightweight and Breathable Materials: Constructed using lightweight and breathable materials, this immobilizer is designed to provide optimal comfort and ventilation. The materials used are hypoallergenic, reducing the risk of allergic reactions and skin irritations.

Immobilization Mechanism

The Top Phill-Cervical Immobilizer employs a combination of advanced features to ensure effective immobilization of the cervical spine.

1. Rigid Support: The immobilizer is equipped with a rigid frame that provides stability and prevents excessive movement of the neck. This feature is crucial in limiting the potential for further injury or strain.

2. Adjustable Chin Support: The immobilizer features an adjustable chin support that helps maintain proper alignment of the cervical spine. This ensures that the neck remains in a neutral position, reducing stress on the injured area.

Comfort and Convenience

1. Padded Neck Support: The Top Phill-Cervical Immobilizer is equipped with soft, padded neck support to enhance patient comfort during extended periods of use. The padding also helps distribute pressure evenly, reducing the risk of pressure sores.

2. Easy Application and Removal: The immobilizer is designed for easy application and removal, allowing healthcare professionals to efficiently provide care. The adjustable straps ensure a secure fit and can be easily adjusted for patient comfort.

Versatility and Compatibility

1. Radiolucent Design: The immobilizer’s radiolucent design allows for X-ray and CT scans without the need for removal. This feature eliminates the inconvenience of repetitive immobilizer application and ensures accurate diagnostic imaging.

2. Compatibility with Additional Devices: The Top Phill-Cervical Immobilizer is compatible with various additional devices, such as traction units or cervical collars, to provide comprehensive neck support and immobilization as required by the patient’s specific condition.


The Top Phill-Cervical Immobilizer is a cutting-edge medical device that prioritizes patient comfort, stability, and ease of use.

With its adjustable design, rigid support, and compatibility with additional devices, this immobilizer offers optimal neck support and immobilization for individuals with neck injuries or conditions.

The lightweight and breathable materials used ensure maximum comfort, while the radiolucent design allows for accurate diagnostic imaging.

Overall, the Top Phill-Cervical Immobilizer is a reliable and versatile solution for healthcare professionals seeking to provide effective care and support for patients with neck injuries or conditions.


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