Cervical Immobilizer

KSh 2,863.00

A cervical immobilizer, also known as a neck brace or cervical collar, is a medical device used to stabilize and support the neck following an injury or surgery.

It is designed to restrict movement and provide stability to the cervical spine, which consists of the seven vertebrae in the neck region. Here is a brief points form description of the cervical immobilizer:

  • Purpose: The primary purpose of a cervical immobilizer is to immobilize the neck, preventing any further damage or injury to the cervical spine.
  • Support and stability: The device provides support and stability to the neck by limiting movement and maintaining proper alignment of the cervical vertebrae.
  • Injury management: Cervical immobilizers are commonly used in cases of neck sprains, strains, fractures, whiplash, and post-surgical recovery to facilitate healing and prevent further harm.
  • Pain relief: By restricting movement, the immobilizer helps to reduce pain and discomfort associated with neck injuries.
  • Protection: The collar acts as a protective barrier, shielding the neck from external forces and preventing excessive movement that could exacerbate the injury.
  • Adjustability: Cervical immobilizers are typically adjustable to ensure a proper fit and allow for individualized comfort.
  • Types: There are various types of cervical immobilizers available, including soft collars made of foam or fabric, rigid collars made of plastic or metal, and inflatable collars that can be adjusted for different levels of support.
  • Duration of use: The duration of immobilizer use varies depending on the severity of the injury or the recommendation of a healthcare professional.
  • Rehabilitation: Cervical immobilizers are often used in conjunction with physical therapy and other rehabilitation techniques to aid in the recovery process.
  • Consultation with a healthcare professional: It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional or specialist to determine the appropriate type and duration of immobilizer use for specific neck injuries or conditions.




X-Ray luscent,Aterior tracheal opening.


Sever cervical sprains,complete immobilisastion.


Cervical Immobilizer

The cervical immobilizer, also known as a cervical collar or neck brace, is a medical device designed to provide support and immobilization to the cervical spine (neck) following an injury or trauma. It is commonly used in emergency departments, hospitals, and ambulances to stabilize the neck and prevent further damage to the spinal cord.

Purpose and Function of the Cervical Immobilizer:

The primary purpose of a cervical immobilizer is to restrict movement of the neck, thereby preventing any potential damage to the spinal cord or surrounding structures. It helps maintain proper alignment of the cervical vertebrae and reduces the risk of exacerbating an existing injury. The device achieves this by providing rigid support to the neck, limiting flexion, extension, lateral bending, and rotation.

Design and Types of the Cervical Immobilizer:

Cervical immobilizers are typically made of lightweight, durable materials such as foam, plastic, or metal. They are available in various sizes and designs to accommodate different neck sizes and injury types. The most common types include:

1. Soft Collars: These are made of foam or fabric and provide mild support for minor neck injuries or as a preventive measure.

2. Rigid Collars: These collars are made of hard plastic or metal and offer maximum immobilization for severe neck injuries or after spinal surgeries.

Application and Adjustment

When applying a cervical immobilizer, the healthcare provider will carefully measure the patient’s neck size to ensure a proper fit. The collar is then placed around the neck, with the chin resting on the chin support. The device is secured using adjustable straps or Velcro closures, ensuring a snug and comfortable fit while maintaining the desired level of immobilization.

Precautions and Care

While cervical immobilizers are essential in certain situations, they should only be used under professional guidance. Prolonged use of a collar without medical supervision can lead to muscle weakness, stiffness, or even atrophy. It is crucial to follow the healthcare provider’s instructions regarding the duration of use and any recommended exercises or therapies to maintain neck mobility.


The cervical immobilizer is a vital tool in the management of neck injuries and spinal trauma. By providing support and limiting movement, it helps prevent further damage to the cervical spine and promotes healing. However, it is crucial to use these devices under the supervision of a healthcare professional and follow their guidance to ensure optimal outcomes and prevent any potential complications.


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