Clavicle Brace

KSh 1,867.00

A clavicle brace, also known as a clavicle support or posture corrector, is a medical device designed to provide support and alignment to the clavicle or collarbone. It is commonly used to treat clavicle fractures, shoulder injuries, and poor posture. Here is a brief point-form description of a clavicle brace:

  • Structure: The brace is typically constructed from adjustable straps made of soft, breathable materials like nylon or neoprene. It features cushioned pads for comfort and stability.
  • Function: The primary purpose of the brace is to assist in the healing of clavicle fractures by immobilizing the shoulder and collarbone area. It prevents excessive movement that could hinder the healing process.
  • Posture Correction: Clavicle braces also aid in correcting poor posture habits. They gently pull the shoulders back, aligning the spine and promoting an upright posture.
  • Adjustability: Most clavicle braces come with adjustable straps to ensure a personalized fit for various body sizes. This feature allows for proper tension and comfort during wear.
  • Ease of Use: The brace is simple to put on and adjust, often featuring hook-and-loop fasteners or buckles for quick application.
  • Wear Instructions: Users are advised to wear the brace for a specified duration recommended by their healthcare provider. Gradual adjustment may be necessary to avoid discomfort.
  • Medical Guidance: Individuals with clavicle fractures or other shoulder injuries should consult a healthcare professional before using a clavicle brace to determine its suitability and receive proper fitting instructions.
  • Lifestyle Integration: While wearing the brace, users can generally continue their daily activities. However, activities involving intense shoulder movement might need to be limited.

In summary, a clavicle brace is a versatile device that supports healing, corrects posture, and offers comfort. It serves as a valuable aid in the recovery of clavicle injuries and the promotion of better posture habits.



Clavicle Brace

A clavicle brace, also referred to as a clavicle support or posture corrector, is a specialized orthopedic device designed to provide therapeutic support and alignment to the clavicle, or collarbone, area. Its primary applications include aiding in the healing of clavicle fractures, managing shoulder injuries, and promoting proper posture.

Structure and Components

The clavicle brace typically comprises adjustable straps crafted from lightweight and breathable materials such as nylon or neoprene. These straps are designed to loop over the shoulders and across the back. The front of the brace features cushioned pads or soft fabric panels that rest against the shoulders, providing comfort and minimizing pressure points. Most braces incorporate hook-and-loop fasteners or buckles for easy adjustment and secure fit.

Function and Benefits of a Clavicle Brace

  1. Fracture Healing Support: In cases of clavicle fractures, the brace immobilizes the shoulder and collarbone region. By restricting movement, it helps stabilize the fractured bones, allowing them to heal properly.
  2. Shoulder Injury Management: Beyond fractures, the clavicle brace is effective for managing various shoulder injuries, such as strains, sprains, and minor dislocations. It provides gentle compression and support to alleviate discomfort and encourage healing.
  3. Posture Correction: The brace’s design encourages an upright posture by gently pulling the shoulders backward. This corrective mechanism assists in realigning the spine, reducing strain on the neck and upper back muscles.

Adjustability and Customization

Clavicle braces are designed with adjustability in mind. The straps can be lengthened or shortened to accommodate different body sizes and shapes. This customization ensures optimal tension and comfort while wearing the brace, preventing excessive tightness or looseness.

Wearing Instructions and Care

  1. Proper Fitting: Achieving the correct fit is essential for the brace’s effectiveness. Users should follow the provided fitting instructions or those given by a healthcare professional.
  2. Duration of Use: The recommended duration for wearing the brace varies based on the specific injury or condition. Medical guidance should be sought to determine the appropriate length of use.
  3. Regular Cleaning: Since the brace comes into contact with the body, it’s advisable to clean it regularly to maintain hygiene. Many braces are designed for easy hand washing and quick drying.

Lifestyle Integration

While wearing the clavicle brace, users can typically continue their daily activities, including work and light exercises. However, engaging in activities that involve intense shoulder movements, heavy lifting, or sudden jolts may need to be limited to prevent strain or discomfort.

Consultation with Healthcare Professionals

Individuals with clavicle fractures, injuries, or posture concerns should consult a qualified healthcare professional before using a clavicle brace. A medical expert can offer personalized advice on the brace’s suitability, provide fitting instructions, and guide users on its proper usage.


The clavicle brace serves as a versatile orthopedic aid, addressing both injury recovery and posture improvement. Its thoughtful design, adjustability, and multi-faceted benefits make it a valuable tool in enhancing comfort, promoting healing, and supporting better posture.


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