Sacro Lumbar Support

KSh 3,780.00

Sacro Lumbar Support is a specialized orthopedic device designed to provide targeted assistance to the lower back and pelvic regions. Primarily utilized for individuals experiencing lower back pain or discomfort, this support system aims to alleviate strain on the sacroiliac joints and lumbar spine. The support is available in various forms, including belts, braces, and cushions.

  • Anatomical Design: Sacro Lumbar Support is crafted to conform to the natural curvature of the spine and pelvis, ensuring optimal support and alignment.
  • Pressure Distribution: The support redistributes weight and pressure, reducing stress on the sacroiliac joints and lumbar discs.
  • Adjustable Compression: Many models offer adjustable straps or fasteners, allowing users to customize the level of compression and support based on their comfort and needs.
  • Pain Relief: By stabilizing the lower back and pelvic area, the support can effectively alleviate pain associated with conditions like lower back strain, sciatica, and sacroiliac joint dysfunction.
  • Posture Improvement: Sacro Lumbar Support encourages proper posture, which is crucial for preventing and managing back pain.
  • Mobility Enhancement: Despite its supportive function, the device permits a reasonable range of motion, enabling users to engage in daily activities comfortably.

Incorporating Sacro Lumbar Support into one’s routine can foster better spinal health, reduce discomfort, and promote an active lifestyle. Individuals seeking relief from lower back issues can find a valuable ally in this orthopedic aid. Always consult a healthcare professional before using any orthopedic device to ensure its appropriateness for your specific condition.


Sacro Lumbar Support: Providing Relief and Stability

Sacro Lumbar Support, commonly known as lumbar support, is a crucial orthopedic accessory designed to alleviate lower back discomfort, enhance posture, and provide stability to the sacro lumbar region. This specialized support system plays a pivotal role in maintaining spinal alignment and mitigating strain on the lower back muscles.

Importance of Sacro Lumbar Support:

  1. Posture Correction: Lumbar support aids in maintaining the natural curvature of the spine, counteracting the detrimental effects of poor posture caused by extended periods of sitting or standing. It discourages slouching and promotes an upright posture, thereby reducing the risk of musculoskeletal issues.
  2. Pain Relief: Individuals with lower back pain, whether due to injuries, muscle strains, or chronic conditions, benefit from the targeted compression and stabilization offered by sacro lumbar support. The pressure applied helps alleviate pain by reducing stress on the affected area.
  3. Support during Activities: Engaging in activities that involve heavy lifting or repetitive movements can strain the lower back. Sacro lumbar support acts as a safeguard by providing an external support structure, reducing the risk of injuries and overexertion.

Components and Design: Sacro lumbar supports typically comprise the following components:

  1. Back Panel: This portion encompasses the lumbar region and is made from breathable materials, offering comfort and preventing excessive heat buildup.
  2. Adjustable Straps: Most supports feature adjustable straps that allow users to customize the level of compression and fit according to their body shape and comfort requirements.
  3. Stabilizing Elements: Some supports include rigid panels or stays made from materials like plastic or metal, providing additional stability and structure to the lumbar area.

Types of Sacro Lumbar Supports:

  1. Elastic Supports: These are constructed from stretchable materials and offer flexible compression. They are suitable for mild to moderate support needs.
  2. Corset-Style Supports: This type provides a higher level of compression and stabilization. It is often recommended for post-surgery recovery or severe lower back issues.
  3. Belt-Style Supports: These resemble belts with wider back panels and adjustable straps. They strike a balance between flexibility and stability, making them suitable for various activities.


Sacro Lumbar Support is an indispensable aid for those seeking relief from lower back discomfort and aiming to maintain optimal spinal health. By promoting proper posture, offering targeted pain relief, and providing stability during various activities, this orthopedic accessory enhances overall well-being and quality of life. Individuals experiencing lower back issues or those seeking preventive measures can benefit significantly from the personalized support and comfort that sacro lumbar supports offer.


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