Elbow Crutches

KSh 2,250.00

Elbow crutches, also known as forearm crutches, are mobility aids designed to provide support and stability to individuals with mobility impairments.

These crutches consist of a handle, forearm cuff, and a metal or wooden shaft that extends down to the ground.

They are commonly used by people who have temporary injuries or long-term disabilities that affect their ability to walk or maintain balance.

  • Elbow crutches are adjustable in height to accommodate individuals of different heights and provide a comfortable fit.
  • The forearm cuffs are padded and designed to fit around the lower forearm, allowing the weight to be distributed evenly.
  • The handles of the crutches are typically ergonomically designed and provide a comfortable grip for the user.
  • The shafts of the crutches are made from lightweight and durable materials such as aluminum or carbon fiber.
  • The crutches have rubber tips at the bottom to provide traction and stability on various surfaces.
  • They are suitable for individuals with conditions such as sprains, fractures, muscle weakness, or balance disorders.
  • Elbow crutches require proper technique and posture to ensure effective use and prevent strain or discomfort.
  • These crutches allow individuals to bear weight through their forearms, reducing pressure on the hands and wrists.
  • They provide increased mobility and independence, allowing individuals to perform daily activities with greater ease.
  • They can be used indoors and outdoors, providing support and stability on different terrains.

Overall, elbow crutches are a valuable mobility aid that helps individuals with mobility impairments regain their independence and maintain an active lifestyle.


Elbow Crutches

Elbow crutches, also known as forearm crutches, are mobility aids designed to provide support and stability for individuals with lower limb impairments. This comprehensive guide will explore the features, benefits, and proper usage of elbow crutches, highlighting their role in enhancing mobility and independence.

Design and Structure of the Elbow crutches

Elbow crutches typically consist of a pair of adjustable forearm cuffs, handgrips, and shafts made from lightweight yet durable materials such as aluminum or carbon fiber.

The forearm cuffs are designed to fit snugly around the forearm, while the handgrips provide a comfortable grip for the user. The shafts can be adjusted in length to accommodate users of different heights.

Weight Distribution and Stability

One of the key advantages of the crutches is their ability to distribute the user’s weight across the forearms, reducing strain on the wrists and hands.

This weight distribution helps maintain stability and balance while walking or standing, making elbow crutches an ideal choice for individuals with temporary or permanent mobility limitations.

Adjustable Height:

Elbow crutches are designed to be adjustable in height, allowing users to find the most comfortable and ergonomic position for their specific needs.

Proper adjustment ensures that the user’s elbows are slightly bent when gripping the handgrips, promoting a natural walking motion and minimizing the risk of strain or fatigue.

Mobility and Independence:

Elbow crutches provide users with increased mobility and independence, allowing them to move around with greater ease and confidence. By providing support and stability, elbow crutches enable individuals with lower limb impairments to perform daily activities such as walking, climbing stairs, and navigating uneven terrain.

Proper Usage and Technique:

To maximize the benefits of the crutches, it is essential to use them correctly. Users should start by adjusting the crutches to the appropriate height, ensuring that the forearm cuffs are snug but not too tight.

When walking, the user should place the crutches slightly in front of them, lean forward, and bear weight on the handgrips while swinging the affected leg forward. It is crucial to maintain an upright posture and take small, controlled steps to prevent falls or accidents.

Safety Considerations:

While elbow crutches provide valuable support, it is important to be aware of potential safety considerations. Users should regularly inspect their crutches for any signs of wear or damage and replace them if necessary.

It is also crucial to use the crutches on stable surfaces, avoid slippery or uneven terrain, and be cautious when navigating stairs or curbs.


Elbow crutches are versatile mobility aids that offer stability, support, and enhanced independence for individuals with lower limb impairments. Their adjustable height, weight distribution, and ergonomic design make them a valuable tool in promoting mobility and improving overall quality of life.


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