Arm Sling

KSh 1,120.00

An arm sling is a medical device designed to provide support and immobilization to the arm, shoulder, or wrist after an injury or surgery. It assists in minimizing movement, promoting healing, and preventing further damage.

  • Injury Support: They commonly used for fractures, sprains, strains, and post-operative recovery. They cradle the arm, offering stability and reducing pain by limiting unnecessary movement.
  • Types: There are various types of slings, including traditional slings, shoulder immobilizers, and elevated arm slings. Each type caters to different levels of support and specific injury requirements.
  • Proper Application: Correct sizing and positioning are essential for effective use. The forearm rests comfortably in the sling, while the strap around the neck or waist secures it. This positioning prevents complications like muscle atrophy and joint stiffness.
  • Benefits of Elevation: They are particularly useful for reducing swelling and promoting blood circulation. They help prevent the accumulation of excess fluids and aid in the healing process.
  • Medical Guidance: Consulting a healthcare professional is crucial when choosing the appropriate type of sling and ensuring it’s worn correctly. Improper use can lead to complications or hinder recovery.

In essence, an arm sling serves as a crucial aid in the recovery journey, providing the necessary support and protection to the injured arm or shoulder, allowing it to heal efficiently.


Arm Sling

An arm sling is a medical device designed to support and immobilize the arm, shoulder, or wrist following an injury, surgery, or fracture. It plays a crucial role in promoting healing and preventing further damage by providing necessary support and restricting movement. Arm slings are commonly prescribed by medical professionals and come in various designs and sizes to suit different needs.

Types of Arm Slings

  1. Traditional Arm Sling: This classic design consists of a triangular piece of cloth with a strap attached to each corner. The forearm rests in the sling while the strap is worn around the neck, distributing the weight and supporting the arm.
  2. Shoulder Immobilizer: More extensive than a traditional sling, this type also supports the shoulder and upper arm. A waist strap helps secure the arm against the body, providing additional stability and preventing unwanted movement.
  3. Elevated Arm Sling: Often recommended for injuries requiring elevation, this sling features an adjustable strap to keep the arm elevated above heart level. It aids in reducing swelling and promoting blood circulation.

Usage and Benefits

  • Fractures and Injuries: After a bone fracture or soft tissue injury, an arm sling helps keep the affected limb stable, reducing pain and preventing further harm.
  • Post-Surgery: Following surgeries on the arm or shoulder, slings aid in post-operative recovery by immobilizing the area and allowing tissues to heal.
  • Sprains and Strains: In cases of sprains or strains, an arm sling provides rest and support, facilitating the healing process.

Proper Application:

  1. Size and Fit: The sling should be of the appropriate size to comfortably fit the arm. It should not be too tight, causing discomfort, or too loose, failing to provide adequate support.
  2. Positioning: The forearm should be supported fully in the sling, while the strap around the neck or waist secures it. The arm should be at a 90-degree angle, unless otherwise advised by a medical professional.
  3. Elevation: For elevated arm slings, the strap’s length should be adjusted to maintain the desired elevation angle, usually around 45 degrees.

Potential Complications

Wearing an arm sling for an extended period without movement can lead to certain complications, including muscle atrophy, joint stiffness, and poor circulation. Therefore, it’s essential to follow medical guidance regarding sling usage duration and perform any recommended exercises to maintain joint flexibility.

Conclusion: An arm sling is a valuable medical tool that aids in the recovery and healing process of arm, shoulder, and wrist injuries. Its proper application, along with adherence to medical advice, ensures effective support and prevents potential complications, contributing to a smoother rehabilitation journey. Always consult a healthcare professional for guidance on the appropriate type and usage of an arm sling based on your specific condition.


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