Underarm Crutches

KSh 2,450.00

Underarm crutches are mobility aids commonly used by individuals who have difficulty walking or require assistance due to injury, surgery, or a physical disability.

These crutches provide support and stability, allowing users to maintain balance and move around more easily. They consist of a pair of crutches with padded underarm supports, handgrips, and adjustable height settings to accommodate different user preferences.

  • Underarm crutches are designed to distribute weight from the legs to the upper body, reducing strain on the legs and providing support for individuals with limited mobility.
  • The padded underarm supports ensure comfort during use, preventing chafing or discomfort in the underarm area.
  • The handgrips are ergonomically designed to provide a secure and comfortable grip, allowing users to maintain control and stability while walking.
  • Underarm crutches are typically made of lightweight and durable materials such as aluminum or carbon fiber, ensuring ease of use and long-lasting performance.
  • The height of the crutches can be easily adjusted to accommodate users of different heights, ensuring proper alignment and weight distribution.
  • Underarm crutches are equipped with rubber or non-slip tips at the bottom to provide traction and stability on various surfaces.
  • These crutches promote independence and mobility for individuals with temporary or permanent mobility challenges, allowing them to perform daily activities with greater ease.
  • Underarm crutches can be used by people of all ages and sizes, with weight capacities varying depending on the specific model.
  • Proper training and instruction from healthcare professionals are essential to ensure correct usage and prevent any potential injuries or discomfort.

In summary, underarm crutches are versatile mobility aids that provide support, stability, and increased mobility for individuals with walking difficulties.

Their adjustable height, padded underarm supports, and ergonomic handgrips make them comfortable and user-friendly, allowing users to regain their independence and perform daily activities with confidence.


Underarm Crutches: Enhancing Mobility and Support

Underarm crutches, also known as axillary crutches, are mobility aids designed to provide support and stability to individuals with temporary or permanent walking difficulties.

These crutches consist of a pair of vertical posts, handgrips, and underarm pads. They are commonly used by people recovering from lower limb injuries, surgeries, or those with conditions that affect their ability to walk unassisted.

Construction and Design of the Underarm Crutches

Underarm crutches are typically made of lightweight and durable materials such as aluminum or carbon fiber. The vertical posts are adjustable in height to accommodate individuals of different heights.

The handgrips are ergonomically designed to provide comfort and prevent hand fatigue during use. The underarm pads are cushioned to distribute weight evenly and reduce pressure on the underarm area.

Proper Fit and Adjustment

To ensure optimal support and comfort, it is crucial to properly fit and adjust underarm crutches. The height of the crutches should be adjusted so that the handgrips are at wrist level when the user stands upright.

The underarm pads should be positioned approximately two to three finger widths below the armpits, allowing the user to bear weight on their hands rather than relying solely on the underarms.

Weight Distribution and Walking Technique

When using underarm crutches, it is important to distribute weight evenly between the hands and the unaffected leg. This can be achieved by placing the crutches slightly in front and to the side of the body, while maintaining an upright posture.

The user should advance both crutches and the affected leg simultaneously, ensuring a smooth and coordinated gait. It is advisable to receive guidance from a healthcare professional or physical therapist to learn the proper walking technique.

Benefits and Limitations

Underarm crutches offer several benefits, including enhanced mobility, improved balance, and reduced strain on the lower limbs. They provide support and stability, allowing individuals to perform daily activities with greater independence.

However, underarm crutches may have limitations for individuals with certain conditions, such as shoulder or arm injuries. In such cases, alternative mobility aids like forearm crutches or knee walkers may be more suitable.

Maintenance and Care

To ensure the longevity and functionality of underarm crutches, regular maintenance and care are necessary. The crutches should be inspected for any signs of wear and tear, and damaged components should be replaced promptly.

The handgrips and underarm pads can be cleaned with mild soap and water to maintain hygiene. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for specific care guidelines.


Underarm crutches are essential mobility aids that provide support and stability to individuals with walking difficulties. With their adjustable design, proper fit, and appropriate walking technique, underarm crutches can greatly enhance mobility and independence.

However, it is important to consult with healthcare professionals to determine the most suitable mobility aid for each individual’s specific needs.


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