Cock Up Splint

KSh 1,817.00

A Cock Up Splint is an orthopedic device designed to provide wrist support and controlled movement of the fingers. It’s commonly used for various wrist conditions and injuries that require immobilization and stability.

  • Structure: Constructed from lightweight and durable materials like thermoplastic or fiberglass, the splint features a base supporting the wrist and adjustable straps for secure placement.
  • Function: The primary function of the Cock Up Splint is to stabilize the wrist in a neutral or slightly extended position, aiding in the recovery of wrist injuries, strains, and conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Benefits: By preventing excessive wrist flexion and extension, the splint helps alleviate pain, reduce strain, and promote healing.
  • Adjustability: The adjustable straps allow for a customized fit, ensuring comfort and proper support.
  • Usage: Proper positioning of the splint is essential for optimal effectiveness. Controlled finger exercises are often recommended while wearing the splint to maintain finger flexibility.
  • Lifestyle: Users can engage in daily activities that don’t strain the wrist, but activities involving heavy wrist stress should be avoided.
  • Consultation: Seeking advice from a healthcare professional before using the Cock Up Splint is important to ensure suitability, correct fitting, and proper usage instructions.

In summary, the Cock Up Splint is a versatile orthopedic aid that provides wrist support, controlled finger movement, and effective recovery for a range of wrist-related conditions and injuries.


Cock Up Splint

A Cock Up Splint is a specialized orthopedic device designed to provide support and immobilization to the wrist while allowing for controlled movement of the fingers. It finds application in various wrist injuries, strains, and conditions that require stabilization and protection.

Structure and Components

Crafted from lightweight yet durable materials such as thermoplastic or fiberglass, the splint consists of a base that supports the wrist and extends slightly along the forearm. It includes adjustable straps for secure fitting and comfort. The term “cock up” refers to the slight extension angle maintained by the splint.

Function and Benefits of a Cock Up Splint

  1. Wrist Stabilization: The primary function of the Cock Up Splint is to stabilize the wrist joint. It positions the wrist in a neutral or slightly extended position, reducing strain and promoting healing for conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome, sprains, and tendonitis.
  2. Prevention of Overextension: The splint’s design prevents excessive flexion or extension of the wrist, which can aggravate certain conditions. This controlled alignment aids in pain reduction and supports the recovery process.

Adjustability and Customization

The Cock Up Splint is designed for adjustability. The straps can be tightened or loosened to achieve a personalized fit. Some models also feature removable padding or additional inserts that allow for further customization based on individual needs.

Wearing Instructions and Care of a Cock Up Splint

  1. Proper Placement: Correct positioning of the splint is crucial for optimal functionality. It should be aligned with the wrist joint, ensuring the desired neutral or slightly extended angle.
  2. Comfortable Fit: Adjust the straps to achieve a snug yet comfortable fit. Avoid overtightening, as it may lead to discomfort or impaired circulation.
  3. Finger Mobility: While wearing the splint, controlled finger exercises are often recommended to prevent stiffness and maintain hand dexterity.
  4. Hygiene Maintenance: Removable padding or linings facilitate easy cleaning to maintain skin hygiene and overall comfort.

Lifestyle Integration

The Cock Up Splint enables users to engage in everyday activities that do not involve excessive wrist strain. However, it’s advisable to avoid activities that put significant stress on the wrist joint while wearing the splint.

Consultation with Healthcare Professionals

Individuals seeking to use a Cock Up Splint should consult a medical professional, especially if dealing with specific wrist conditions. A healthcare provider can determine the appropriateness of the splint, ensure correct fitting, and offer guidance on proper usage and potential exercise routines.


The Cock Up Splint serves as a versatile tool for wrist support and protection. Its design, adjustability, and emphasis on controlled movement contribute to effective recovery, pain reduction, and improved wrist functionality for individuals dealing with a range of wrist-related issues.


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