Top Phill-Cervical Immobilizer


The Top Phill-Cervical Immobilizer is a medical device designed to provide support and immobilization to the cervical spine, specifically the top portion known as the phill area.

It is commonly used in emergency situations, such as car accidents or sports injuries, where there is a risk of cervical spine injury.

The immobilizer is made of high-quality materials that ensure comfort and stability for the patient while also providing necessary support.

The Top Phill-Cervical Immobilizer is designed with the latest advancements in medical technology to ensure optimal patient care.

It consists of a rigid frame that encloses the phill area of the cervical spine, providing stability and preventing any further damage.

The frame is adjustable, allowing healthcare professionals to customize the fit according to the patient’s specific needs.

The immobilizer is equipped with soft padding and straps that secure it in place, ensuring that the cervical spine remains immobilized throughout the healing process.

The padding is made of hypoallergenic materials to minimize the risk of skin irritation or allergies. Additionally, the straps are adjustable to accommodate patients of different sizes.

Key features of the Top Phill-Cervical Immobilizer include:

  • Rigid frame: Provides stability and immobilization to the phill area of the cervical spine.
  •  Adjustable fit: Allows healthcare professionals to customize the immobilizer according to the patient’s specific needs.
  • Soft padding: Ensures comfort and minimizes the risk of skin irritation.
  • Secure straps: Keeps the immobilizer in place and prevents any movement or shifting.
  • Hypoallergenic materials: Reduces the risk of allergies or skin irritation.

The Top Phill-Cervical Immobilizer is a reliable and effective medical device that plays a crucial role in the initial management of cervical spine injuries. Its design and features prioritize patient comfort and safety, allowing healthcare professionals to provide optimal care in emergency situations.


X-Ray lucent, Anterior tracheal opening.


Severe cervical sprains, complete immobilization