7 Tips To Lose Weight

Being overweight or obese can have a serious impact on health. Carrying extra fat leads to serious health consequences such as cardiovascular disease (mainly heart disease and stroke), type 2 diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders like osteoarthritis, and some cancers.

The good news is that overweight and obesity are largely preventable and if already overweight/obese, a few of the tips below will help in going back to normal weight. The key to success is to achieve an energy balance between calories consumed on one hand, and calories used on the other hand.

1.  Do not skip breakfast and take regular meals during the day

Skipping breakfast will not help you lose weight. You could miss out on essential nutrients and you may end up snacking more throughout the day because you feel hungry.

Eating at regular times during the day helps burn calories at a faster rate. It also reduces the temptation to snack on foods high in fat and sugar. Try to plan your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for the week.

2.  Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegs are low in calories and fat, and high in fibre. These are essential ingredients for successful weight loss. They also contain plenty of vitamins and minerals.

3.  Get more active

Being active is key to losing weight and keeping it off. As well as providing lots of health benefits, exercise can help burn off the excess calories you cannot lose through diet alone. Find an activity you enjoy and are able to fit into your routine such as walking or swimming.

4.  Drink plenty of water

There is actually truth to the claim that drinking water can help with weight loss. Drinking 0.5 liters of water may increase the calories you burn by 24–30% for an hour afterward.

Drinking water before meals may also lead to reduced calorie intake, especially for middle-aged and older people. Water is particularly good for weight loss when it replaces other beverages that are high in calories and sugar .

5.  Eat high fibre foods

Foods containing lots of fibre can help keep you feeling full, which is perfect for losing weight. Fibre is only found in food from plants, such as fruit and veg, oats, wholegrain bread, brown rice and pasta, and beans, peas and lentils.

6.  When it comes to weight loss, protein is the king of nutrients.

Your body burns calories when digesting and metabolizing the protein you eat, so a high-protein diet can boost metabolism by up to 80–100 calories per

A high-protein diet can also make you feel more full hence reduces your appetite. In fact, some studies show that people eat over 400 fewer calories per day on a high-protein diet

Even something as simple as eating a high-protein breakfast (like eggs) can have a powerful effect. Eggs are the ultimate weight loss food. They are cheap, low in calories, high in protein and loaded with all sorts of nutrients.

7.  Use a smaller plate

Using smaller plates can help you eat smaller portions. By using smaller plates and bowls, you may be able to gradually get used to eating smaller portions without going hungry. It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain it’s full, so eat slowly and stop eating before you feel full.

Do Not Hesitate to Get in Touch With Our Clinical Nutritionist Should You Have Any Questions.

Email: services@healthalone.co.ke

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