7 Best Foods to Increase Blood Flow and Circulation

Poor circulation is a common problem caused by a number of conditions.

Peripheral artery disease (PAD), diabetes, obesity, smoking, and Raynaud’s disease are some of the many causes of poor circulation.

Reduced blood flow can cause unpleasant symptoms, such as pain, muscle cramps, numbness, digestive issues, and coldness in the hands or feet.

In addition to those with poor circulation, athletes and active individuals may want to increase blood flow in order to improve exercise performance and recovery.

Although circulatory issues are often treated with medications, eating certain foods can also improve blood flow.

Here are the Foods:

1.       ONIONS

Onions are an excellent source of flavonoid antioxidants, which benefit heart health. This vegetable improves circulation by helping your arteries and veins widen when blood flow increases. Onions also have anti-inflammatory properties, which can boost blood flow and heart health by reducing inflammation in veins and arteries.

2.       GARLIC

Garlic is well known for its beneficial impact on circulation and heart health.

Studies suggest that garlic — specifically, its sulfur compounds, which include allicin — can increase tissue blood flow and lower blood pressure by relaxing your blood vessels. In fact, diets high in garlic are associated with better flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD), an indicator of blood flow efficiency.

3.       FISH

Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These fats are especially beneficial for circulation because they promote the release of nitric oxide, which dilates your blood vessels and increases blood flow.

Omega-3 fats also help inhibit the clumping of platelets in your blood, a process that can lead to blood clot formation. What’s more, fish oil supplements are linked to reduced high blood pressure and improved blood flow in skeletal muscle during and after exercise.

4.       BEETS

Athletes supplement with beet juice or beet powder to help improve performance.This is because beets are high in nitrates, which your body converts into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow to muscle tissue .Beet juice supplements improve oxygen flow in muscle tissue, stimulate blood flow, and increase nitric oxide levels — all of which can boost performance .

Aside from assisting athletes, beets may help improve blood flow in older adults with circulatory issues.


Green vegetables like spinach, kale, parsley, Chinese cabbage and collard greens are high in natural nitrates, which your body converts into nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator. Eating nitrate-rich foods may help improve circulation by dilating blood vessels, allowing your blood to flow more easily.

People following a traditional diet high in nitrate-rich vegetables like have lower blood pressure than those who consume a diet low in vegetables.


Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruit are packed with antioxidants, including flavonoids.

Consuming flavonoid-rich citrus fruits may decrease inflammation in your body, which can reduce blood pressure and stiffness in your arteries while improving blood flow and nitric oxide production.

Additionally, regular consumption of citrus fruits, such as oranges, has been associated with reduced blood pressure and a decreased risk of stroke.

7.       BERRIES

Berries, of all types (blueberry, cranberry, raspberry and blackberry) are especially healthy, as they have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities, which may have a positive impact on blood flow.

Chronic inflammation can damage blood vessels and raise your blood pressure, which can cause circulatory issues.

Other Ways of Improving Blood Flow.

Quit smoking: Smoking is a risk factor for many chronic diseases and can negatively impact circulation.

Increase physical activity: Exercise stimulates blood flow and helps improve vasodilation. Plus, regular exercise decreases your risk of heart disease.

Reach or maintain a moderate weight: Having overweight or obesity negatively impacts blood flow and can lead to dangerous complications, such as plaque buildup in your arteries (59Trusted Source).

Follow a healthy diet: Instead of simply stocking up on particular foods, try switching to a diet rich in healthy, whole foods — such as vegetables, healthy fats, and fiber-rich foods — which can improve circulation and support heart health.

Stay hydrated: Proper hydration is critical to all aspects of health, including circulation. Dehydration can damage endothelial cells and promote inflammation in your body, restricting blood flow.

Reduce stress: Research proves that stress levels can significantly impact blood pressure. Manage your stress through yoga, meditation, gardening, or spending time in nature.

Do Not Hesitate to Get in Touch With Our Clinical Nutritionist Should You Have Any Questions.

Email: services@healthalone.co.ke

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